Monday 26 October 2015

Vlog as our final Blog

So yeah this is our final post guys for now, we thought we would share a video blog, go around viewing foods mentioned in our blog at a woolworths.

These involve such classics as mi goreng, energy drinks, up & gos and one of our most popular posts, the nostalgic feels of coco pops.

This has been quite an enjoyable experience for us here at ISYS100 group 1k and we hope you have enjoyed our blog. Bye for now

Group participation - each member have had their own inputs and posts throughout and we hope you can tell through the posts there is a difference in reflection upon food, and what it means to us first hand as uni students.

This video was made using iMovie, with us all taking part first hand with Johann bringing together the final product with footage to bring the video we have here today.

Monday 12 October 2015


A side for most meals is that of chips. But why not disregard that completely and just have it as the whole meal, because we can do what we want. Having chips is a relatively expense free option as they are quite cheap, and they can be cooked by yourself or prepared by a local takeaway. They can be enjoyed with a variation of sauces and either chicken or normal salt.

Regardless of what you may say, chips are a highly favourable option and source of sustanaice by individuals despite giving no nutritional benefits

Chips as an all-time favourite are rated 4/5

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Sunday 11 October 2015

Toasted Cheese Sandwich

This one is a classic! This quick and easy sandwich only requires bread, cheese, and a sandwich toaster, but you can also add meats and vegetables to the sandwich if you'd like. This can be made and ready to eat in a matter of minutes. This is where I must recommend that if you don't have a sandwich toaster in your household, GET ONE! Toasted cheese sandwiches are brilliant to be had on the go or if you just want to eat asap, this is definitely a perfect meal for uni students.

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For me toasted cheese have been my go to quick food since high school. I first discovered how good these can be when I bought one during recess for $1 at the school canteen and that was it I was hooked. Since then I've got a little creative when making them, adding deli meats and sauces, and it hasn't failed me yet!

My rating 3.5/5

Caesar Salad

It's important for uni students to maintain good health during their years of study. That is why this post will be featuring the almighty Caesar Salad!
Caesar Salad usually consists of romaine lettuce, croutons, egg and Parmesan cheese dressed with garlic, black pepper, olive oil and sauces of your choice.

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Even for those who aren't too fond of greens, Caesar Salad has that fantastic dynamic between great taste and that obvious health factor. Furthermore, it is quite easy to prepare where any uni student should be able to quickly serve up for any time they'd like.

Due to the ease of preparation, health factor and great taste, I would give this meal an easy 5/5 for uni students.


Something it is almost needless to say everyone has tried, whether its that of a beautiful homemade burger or had it out at a restaurant/fast food outlet. There's just something about the wide variety and simplicity of the meal with having any choice of meat between a bun with an assortment of stuff on top that makes this an enjoyable meal for most.

My personal favourite would have to be a chicken burger, with lettuce, tomato and either mayo or barbeque sauce.

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An Aussie favourite seems to be a beef burger with egg, beetroot, pineapple, bacon, lettuce and cheese. However burger preference comes down to individual tastes and preferences.

Burgers are rated 4/5

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Saturday 10 October 2015

Soft Drinks

Everyone has had a soft drink before, as kids it was our drink of choice when we got the chance to have one. However as we grew up we learned how unhealthy they actually are for us, a lot of people cut back on their soft drink consumption while others don't care about how much they consume. We've all been told about CocaCola and how its not good for us. Even though companies are making diet and no sugar versions now they are still not healthy.

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As uni students however we don't usually concern ourselves with the health negatives or positives, sometimes we just need a quick sugar boost to keep ourselves going. I myself have trying to stop drinking large amounts of soft drinks on a weekly basis, and so far it is going well although I do like some Coke with my whiskey on occasions.

My rating 1.5/5

Tim Tams

In my opinion, this Aussie biscuit is the greatest biscuit known to science. Essentially it's chocolate, sandwiching chocolate, smothered in chocolate. Equally heavenly variations include caramel, double choc and hazelnut just to name a few.

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I'm sure most would agree that these incredible biscuits are a 10/10 in terms of taste. Combine this factor with the fact that it's quite affordable and Tim Tams would see a high rating. If it weren't for the negative health factor, this would be a 5/5. However, a 4/5 might be appropriate. Uni students will not overlook this item to satisfy their sweet cravings.

Friday 9 October 2015

Muesli Bars

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Muesli bars are a fantastic choice of snack for uni students to nibble on for any time of day. Packed with whole grains such as oats, bran, wheat and rice muesli bars are one healthy snack packed into one bar. Full of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, muesli bars are great for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

However, muesli bars do come with some variety where they may contain chocolates and yogurt which could add some additional flavour while foregoing a bit of the health factor.

As these health packed bars are great to have on the go, are relatively cheap, have a decent taste and are of course healthy for you a rating of 3.5/5 would be applied. The only noticeable downside is the small serving per bar which might not fill up the hungrier uni students out there. Despite this, muesli bars are a fine choice for uni students to have on the go.

Energy Drinks

Need to stay awake? Coffee just not cutting it? Majority of uni students have been in this situation more times than we'd like. The option I and a lot of others settle for easy way out and consume highly caffeinated like, Mother, V, Monster and Red Bull.

Image (above) sourced from <>

Many a times I've needed to stay up all night in order to get an assignment done or needed a massive kick start after a late night, its at these moments when energy drinks come to the rescue. However it should be noted that too much is definitely not a good idea. In my first year of uni I stayed up all night cramming for my 9am mathematics exam aided by a 500mL can of Mother. It came time to go to my exam and in my sleep deprived state I thought it a good idea to get another 500mL can on the way to Uni. It was halfway through the exam when the caffeine suddenly kicked in. I could heart my heartbeat and I swear at one point I could see sound... I would definitely not recommend having more than one a day.

Rating this one 1.5/5.


Grains of rice have fed individuals for almost over 15000 years. The consumption of this crop by humans and the vast amount it is produced in makes it a cheaper product. Consuming the grain which is considered a staple food provides us with many benefits, and is the most important grain in relation to human nutrition and caloric intake,

Although not necessarily filling you with inept joy and wonder, just look at this basic food that can either be mixed with a multitude of other meals, or eaten alone, if thats what you'd prefer.

This meal is easy to prepare, as such can be cooked in a microwave with water. It's that easy.

As a staple food, that can almost be used for most meals as a side, this is rated 2.5/5

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Thursday 8 October 2015

Meat Pies

Beef, chicken, even pork, there are so many options when it comes to meat pies. In my opinion nothing even comes close to beef but meat pies are a quick and easy meal. You can buy them frozen, ready to eat or if you're skilled and so inclined make one from scratch.

Image (above) sourced from <>

Students however will mostly go for the first two options. I remember riding home from work late one night and stopping at a servo for gas, as it happened that there was a little 24 hour cafe connected and I was hungry so of course I went in and ordered a pepper and steak pie. The pie was heavenly! To this day I can't remember where this cafe is... what I would give to know its location. Since this devastating incident I, like a lot of students have settled for the frozen kind. The sliver lining is that these pies are cheap, easy to make and come in packs of 2 or more! A couple minutes in the microwave or the oven and you have a ready to go pie to devour. You could say it's easy as pie...

Rating 2.5/5.


Don't think that we've forgotten about our blog name. Well here it is! Introducing the traditional Mexican dish that is the taco!

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What makes up this Mexican delight is a corn or wheat tortilla wrapped around a filling of your choice, traditionally some kind of meat (usually chicken or beef), lettuce, cheese and some sort of condiment (commonly barbecue or tomato sauce)  just to name a few toppings.

They can be made 'hard' with a corn tortilla for that extra crunch or 'soft' using a wheat tortilla if you'd prefer a tidier and easier time eating the taco.

As an easy to make snack packed with that Mexican savory taste, the classic taco is a great choice for university students to have for any time of the day. For this I would rate the taco a 4/5.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Toast w/ Condiments

One of the easiest meals you can prepare for yourself is that of a slice of toast. It's as simple as placing bread in a toaster, waiting a minute or so then retrieving your crispy warm bundle of joy.

However the most enjoyable part of eating toast for many is the wide variation and selection available for condiments, such as cheese, butter, jam and hazelnut spread.

As this allows people to 'customise' their meal personally to their preferred tastes, this meal is versatile when feeding multiple people, and tasty for consumption.

My personal favourite is Nutella spread on the toast.

Due to the ease of making and ways to enjoy this meal, its rated 3/5 stars

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Garlic Bread

Where do begin!? This beauty can range from frozen store bought garlic bread to delightful home-made creations that you'll never forget. A simple Google search will turn up a whole range of different recipes each boasting its own perks, be it health, speed or flavour. These recipes have cooking times listed they range from 8 minutes to 20+ minutes.

Image (above) sourced from <>

As a current Uni student who has no idea how cooking works, (to the point where I've burnt two minute noodles) I prefer the frozen kind. All it takes is 2-3 minutes in the microwave and BOOM you have a feed almost instantly! When writing this post I asked my friend what she thought about garlic bread and to quote her, " garlic bread is life".

My rating 3.5/5

Easy Mac

Fusing the elements of swiftness and ease of instant noodles with the piquancy of the classic Mac 'n' Cheese would result in Kraft's Easy Mac!

Image source: <>

Easy Mac is the instant noodle version of Mac n Cheese and would be a fine choice for university students to have as a snack for any time of the day. Just add water and microwave for a bit over three minutes then add the packaged flavouring and you're good to go. Too easy!

Most commonly found in cheese flavour, Easy Mac has further options in terms of flavours available such as chicken and cheesy bacon.

Due to its fair price, quick and easy preparation and decent taste, I would rate Easy Mac 4/5 in terms of a fair meal for uni students. So for those in need for a fast meal or if you're totally over instant noodles, give Easy Mac a try!

Tuesday 6 October 2015


The ultimate 'meal' in terms of ease in use, and ideal for the lazy uni student is that of UP&GO, a liquid breakfast. Easy and reasonably tasty to consume, it is as simple as picking it up, putting the straw through the seal like a juice box then consuming.

The drawback to this meal is it can sometimes not be filling alone, and is quite expensive per unit, in terms of a breakfast where other alternatives will last longer and will be better value for money.

As advertised it is 'convenient on the go' and is better chilled, and as such is a valuble addition to this blog as a uni students goto easy breakfast. This easy 'meal' is rated 3/5 star

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As a 21 year old Australian male I feel obliged to include this. Like it or not beer is part of our culture. It is also a integral part of most Uni student's night life as well as a staple in the fridge of most households. I know that on a night out I'll always open up my tab with a couple cold ones!

Image (above) sourced from <>

As a Uni student I can tell you with 100% certainty that this godly beverage is a favourite among students, males in particular. There are many different beverages and each person has their own personal favourite and preferred taste. My favourite by far is Guinness, an Irish beer, not for the faint of heart (and stomach). It is definitely an acquired taste for most but if you're spirit is willing, give it a go!

Image (above) sourced from <>

Beer has got to be rated 5/5.

Let us know what your favourite beverage is in the comments below.


Making its comeback to supermarket shelves in Australia are the one and only Pop-Tarts. An all time American favourite, Pop-tarts are quickly becoming a popular treat for university students. I mean, who can resist these orgasmic, rectangular, sugar-filled pastry goodies?

Pop-tarts are sold pre-cooked and are meant to be warmed up using a toaster or a microwave. They come in many different flavours, however if you have been blessed by this blog post and is your first time hearing about these godly snacks then I would highly recommend the Strawberry Sensation or the Choctastic flavours to begin with. 

Due to the amazing variety of flavours I give these sugary pastries an easy 5/5 in terms of Pop-tarts as a snack to eat.

However, in the context of Pop-Tarts as a snack under the implications for most university students, a rating of 3/5 might be more appropriate due to its cost inefficiency (Pop-Tarts are quite pricey) and unhealthy nature. 

But hey, for me personally it's worth it!

Monday 5 October 2015


Ah good old pizza. We all regularly consume this during our lives and it can be purchased in many ways:
1) Home-made
2) Frozen (for cooking)
3) Ordered

Pizza is a go to safe food for many individuals as it is succulent to eat and makes everyone feel joyful, needless to say the 3am refridgerated slice after a night out is probably the best meal you've ever had the pleasure of eating.

It can come in many various flavours, such as Meatlovers, Supreme, Cheesy, Pepporoni and Hawaiian just to name a few, and many businesses have used the wide range in popularity and flavours to provide this meal to indivuals.

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Due to its availability, it can commonly be purchased as a moderate cost meal, but is guaranteed to fulfil any hunger you have.

Pizza, as great as it is must be rated 5/5

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Coco Pops

I'm almost certain that you've all heard of Kellogg's Coco Pops before. For some the mere name may bring back memories of a warm, self assured childhood where all we had to worry about was how late we could stay up without our parents getting mad. However for some of us Uni students we survive on this stuff! It's cheap, quick and easy to whip up.


Of course we can't forget that once we've devoured the crunchy part of the meal we then get the joy of drinking the now chocolate milk straight from the bowl. The only downside is that it doesn't quite satisfy the monster that is hunger, rather it only tames it for a while. Regardless this for me is a personal favourite!

My rating for this gem 4.5/5.

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Mi Goreng

An all time University Students favourite meal is that of Mi Goreng noodles. Commonly a meal that is quickly organised and made, it is also cheap whilst providing basic nutritional needs.
The noodles can be made in a bowl or plate using boiling water, and left to sit before draining the water. 

Despite the ease in construction and making of the meal, the additive of sauces and or flavourings makes this meal a treat and enjoyable for individuals. I give this dish 3.5/5 stars

Mi Goreng can be purchased in many forms and packaging at most local supermarkets

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Welcome to Do You Wanna Taco About It?

Hi, ISYS100 group1000 presents this food blog - do you wanna taco bout it?

This group will discuss food and give you our wonderful readers something to consider eating.

Hopefully our future posts and comments will make you hunger to explore the food and entertain you. We hope you enjoy our blog and continue reading :)

Note some posts may be satiric in nature

Next post coming soon, and should appeal highly to our university demographic of our readers, as we look at the ever popular mi goreng

In this group we have Nathan Pasaporte, Johann Mathias and Andrew Cottee.