Wednesday 7 October 2015

Garlic Bread

Where do begin!? This beauty can range from frozen store bought garlic bread to delightful home-made creations that you'll never forget. A simple Google search will turn up a whole range of different recipes each boasting its own perks, be it health, speed or flavour. These recipes have cooking times listed they range from 8 minutes to 20+ minutes.

Image (above) sourced from <>

As a current Uni student who has no idea how cooking works, (to the point where I've burnt two minute noodles) I prefer the frozen kind. All it takes is 2-3 minutes in the microwave and BOOM you have a feed almost instantly! When writing this post I asked my friend what she thought about garlic bread and to quote her, " garlic bread is life".

My rating 3.5/5

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