Saturday 10 October 2015

Soft Drinks

Everyone has had a soft drink before, as kids it was our drink of choice when we got the chance to have one. However as we grew up we learned how unhealthy they actually are for us, a lot of people cut back on their soft drink consumption while others don't care about how much they consume. We've all been told about CocaCola and how its not good for us. Even though companies are making diet and no sugar versions now they are still not healthy.

Image sourced from <>

As uni students however we don't usually concern ourselves with the health negatives or positives, sometimes we just need a quick sugar boost to keep ourselves going. I myself have trying to stop drinking large amounts of soft drinks on a weekly basis, and so far it is going well although I do like some Coke with my whiskey on occasions.

My rating 1.5/5

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