Thursday 8 October 2015

Meat Pies

Beef, chicken, even pork, there are so many options when it comes to meat pies. In my opinion nothing even comes close to beef but meat pies are a quick and easy meal. You can buy them frozen, ready to eat or if you're skilled and so inclined make one from scratch.

Image (above) sourced from <>

Students however will mostly go for the first two options. I remember riding home from work late one night and stopping at a servo for gas, as it happened that there was a little 24 hour cafe connected and I was hungry so of course I went in and ordered a pepper and steak pie. The pie was heavenly! To this day I can't remember where this cafe is... what I would give to know its location. Since this devastating incident I, like a lot of students have settled for the frozen kind. The sliver lining is that these pies are cheap, easy to make and come in packs of 2 or more! A couple minutes in the microwave or the oven and you have a ready to go pie to devour. You could say it's easy as pie...

Rating 2.5/5.

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