Tuesday 6 October 2015


As a 21 year old Australian male I feel obliged to include this. Like it or not beer is part of our culture. It is also a integral part of most Uni student's night life as well as a staple in the fridge of most households. I know that on a night out I'll always open up my tab with a couple cold ones!

Image (above) sourced from <http://alternativeberlin.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Picture-1-Via-beerwrangler2.jpg>

As a Uni student I can tell you with 100% certainty that this godly beverage is a favourite among students, males in particular. There are many different beverages and each person has their own personal favourite and preferred taste. My favourite by far is Guinness, an Irish beer, not for the faint of heart (and stomach). It is definitely an acquired taste for most but if you're spirit is willing, give it a go!

Image (above) sourced from <http://diasimms.com/public_html/diasimms.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/guinness1.jpg>

Beer has got to be rated 5/5.

Let us know what your favourite beverage is in the comments below.

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