Friday 9 October 2015

Energy Drinks

Need to stay awake? Coffee just not cutting it? Majority of uni students have been in this situation more times than we'd like. The option I and a lot of others settle for easy way out and consume highly caffeinated like, Mother, V, Monster and Red Bull.

Image (above) sourced from <>

Many a times I've needed to stay up all night in order to get an assignment done or needed a massive kick start after a late night, its at these moments when energy drinks come to the rescue. However it should be noted that too much is definitely not a good idea. In my first year of uni I stayed up all night cramming for my 9am mathematics exam aided by a 500mL can of Mother. It came time to go to my exam and in my sleep deprived state I thought it a good idea to get another 500mL can on the way to Uni. It was halfway through the exam when the caffeine suddenly kicked in. I could heart my heartbeat and I swear at one point I could see sound... I would definitely not recommend having more than one a day.

Rating this one 1.5/5.

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