Thursday 8 October 2015


Don't think that we've forgotten about our blog name. Well here it is! Introducing the traditional Mexican dish that is the taco!

Image sourced from <>

What makes up this Mexican delight is a corn or wheat tortilla wrapped around a filling of your choice, traditionally some kind of meat (usually chicken or beef), lettuce, cheese and some sort of condiment (commonly barbecue or tomato sauce)  just to name a few toppings.

They can be made 'hard' with a corn tortilla for that extra crunch or 'soft' using a wheat tortilla if you'd prefer a tidier and easier time eating the taco.

As an easy to make snack packed with that Mexican savory taste, the classic taco is a great choice for university students to have for any time of the day. For this I would rate the taco a 4/5.

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